Friday, November 21, 2008

Parker's First Haircut

So we finally got his haircut, it was bitter sweet! His hair was long on top because he has hair like his mommy, I had a mohawk when I was a baby and so does mr.parker but it looks better on him than it did me! He doesnt look like my baby anymore hes looking more like a toddler! I cant believe hes going to be a toddler already, it seems like not to long ago we were welcoming him into the world! We got his haircut because we have christmas pictures and his 9month pictures coming up as well. A friend of mine did it for us and she did a good job! here are some pictures!

this was the best picture i could get of him looking up, as u can see he liked playing with the barbie doll head, shhh dont tell his daddy! Oh and there are his new shoes!

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