Thursday, November 27, 2008


Today I always tend to remember thanksgiving when I was younger!We always had a week off of school then we would go to Grandma linda's for dinner and spend the day with family everywhere! I remember Aunt Renee and Aunt Lauren calling to wish us a happy thanksgiving and mom making some kind of dish to share at grandma's! Oh how things def change as the years come and go! Our family has grown so much over the years, new faces added to the mix and new babies coming all the time! This is Parker's first thanksgiving and even though he wont remember I will and I am very thankful for him and for the fact that he is a happy baby for the most part and hes brought a lot of joy into my life! I never knew I could love someone so much until he came into the world! I hope everyone has a wonderful day and is thankful for everyone in their life!!!

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