Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

We, well I decided I wanted to carve our Parker size pumpkin the other day. Daddy cut it open and said EEWW that stinks..I smelled it and I'll be darned, it smelt like a pumpkin! He sure can be a girl at times, he wanted nothing to do with removing the inside of it! Me on the other hand dug right in and had a good old time. It brough back memories of me and my brother carving pumpkins at the table with mom and dad, now i know why they always put newspaper down IT STAINS! His whole highchair is now a tint of orange!!!! I want Parker to be able to remember those memories as well obviously he wont remember this but I want to keep this going so he can remember as he gets older! So thank you mom for doing all the little things I dont think I'll ever forget! Here are some pictures from our carving!!!


Parker loves playing with paper but he hates stickers....


Mommy and Parker waiting while Daddy cut open the pumpkin.


Here mom let me help


Maybe I'll just play in the goop!


Hes going to be such a boy!!! Unlike his father who has girly tendency!


Mommy's lil goof ball!


The end result. I should of done two bottom teeth because thats all Parker has!!:P

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