Tuesday, October 7, 2008

How fast time flies.

7 months ago right now my son was only an hour and ten mins old! Where in the world did the time go?! Since he has turn 7 months he has brought so much joy into my life and those around him, he is learning so much tooo fast! He is crawling all over the place,pulling up on things, he plays peek a book,he will wave bye bye and loves to get into things hes not suppose to! I know I kept saying I cant wait till hes mobile but now I wish he wasnt, to an extend, atleast now he can crawl into the kitchen and play when I am doing dishes without screaming cause he cant see me but then he likes to play in the dog bowl and play with the dirty dust pan and broom then he finds the dirtiest things to pick up...like dust bunnies?!?! Where and why does he pick those up? He's all boy thats for sure. I wouldn't have it any other way though. I love when I walk into a room his lil face lights up with joy and he does his O face likes he supprised to see you! He is def a happier baby because he can "do things on his own." He is very strong willed thats for sure, if he wants something he will do anything to get it, even if it means climbing over you and a mounatin he will get to what he wants! This is just the begining of all the joys he will bring to my life and I cant wait to experience even if it means I get a few grey hairs!!!
Heres a few newer pictures!!!

A couple Mins Old
7months old

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