Tuesday, January 27, 2009

We're head to PA

Ami Liked Parker so much he didn't look at the camera!
She was so nice!

Yesterday we got a phone call from Roberts mom telling us we needed to call his dad. I guess he hurt his leg pretty bad and was home alone because his girlfriend is here in Florida for 3weeks visiting some of her friends. Today he had his appt to see what exactly was wrong with his leg, he has water behind his knee and broke the bone behind it,dont know the name of the bone but thats the one he broke. So we decided now is probally the best time to go see him since he is off work and we know hes not going anywhere, because he cannot walk! We are leaving on Sunday night around Parker's bed time in hopes that he will sleep the whole way there until morning! We should be there sometime Monday. I am excited to go see everyone because its always nice seeing Family but am terrifed of the weather! We've never traveled up there during Jan/Feb which is when they get the most snow! I know or atleast hope Robert can handle the car during the drive, i will do most of the driving until virgina then its all him! We will also be visiting my Uncle Butch in Ohio because they are only 2hours away from Roberts dads house, so this will be a good trip..cross our fingers! I will be back with loads of pictures hopefully! From today until sunday its going to be getting everything ready and making sure I've got what we need for the trip!

I'll leave you with some pictures from the bike show this past weekend we went to for Roberts company, Ami James is a famous tattoo artist who has his own show on TLC, he was there and then there was a playmate that was there as well! They both loved Parker!

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