Friday, April 24, 2009

need a good laugh?

I ment to post this yesterday but never got around to it. I've been watching my friend Andrea's lil boy monday,wed,and only suppose to be friday but yesterday she got called in so I watched him for a few hours. Parker DOES NOT like to share his mommy or his toys. He's bitten Michael,pushed him, pulled his hair,shoved him into the couch and takes EVERYTHING away from him even if Parker was across the room when Micheal picked it up to play. Thank goodness Micheal doesnt throw a fit because all I would hear all day is whinning. I keep telling Robert this means Parker doesnt want to be a big brother :) and we all know mommy is okay with that but Robert says he'll learn! So how do you or do you even punish a 13month old? I always pick him up and look him right in the eye and tell him what he did wrong and how thats not nice. Not sure I am getting through though. Its hard to keep a straight face sometimes and when I do cave in and smile he thinks its okay.

Ok anyway back to the whole laughing thing yesterday morning Parker was playing in the hall way with his bath toys, I had left the closet we keep them in open for some reason. He started fussing and I couldn't figure out why thought maybe the dog was taking something away so I went to see what was going on and this is what I found

yes that would be my son stuck in his easter he managed to do that I will never know but I laughed to hard I almost peed myself!!! Hope you got a good laugh too!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's so funny!

Loe ya,

Aunt Renee