You never realize how precious your little ones are until you hear about a child their age dealing with something that should of never been given to them to manage. Then again I think of the saying God doesnt give you more than you can handle. But how does he choose who has to deal with something and the next person doesnt. Someone dying is never something easy to take, why me, why them are some of the questions everyone asks. If your the one dealing with it the last thing you want to hear is, it was their time, god wanted an angel. I never really understood this until the world lost one of the most amazing young men who was making a difference in everyone whom he was friends with. His name is Joshua Stone, he was the one who got my husband and myself together somehow he knew we were right for each other so not only do I thank god for my husband but I also thank god for Joshua Stone. He was taken from this earth WAY WAY to soon and for what reason? Then I think about Josh as a person, if he was given the chance to take his own life or those of his friends, I am almost willing to bet he would have taken his own for everyone else to be happy. That was the type of person he was, he wasnt selfish, he wasnt rude. He befriended anyone, it didnt matter what color your skin was,how your hair looked,how much you weighed,weather or not you could read...none of that mattered to Josh what matter was being their friend. His funeral was the most heart renching funeral I've ever been to but you should of seen the amount of people who attended, that alone tells you he touched so many lives in so many ways. Looking around at the funeral there was all different walks of life and the one person who brought us all together was Joshua Stone. Maybe he was an angel and god felt he had given all he wanted him to give, but I sometimes question that. I wanted my son to know his other Uncle Josh, I wanted to see Robert and Josh teach Parker things he shouldnt do, I wanted Josh to experience having his own child. There are so many babies that were born since Josh's passing, maybe its god's way of giving back because he took such a wonderful person I just wish he wouldn't of choosen Josh.
Anyway I got wat off topic the reason I wrote this blog was because there is a march baby who is suffering from a heart defect and he was receltly sent to the hospital where he suffered brain damage from coding. his life is hanging in the balance, as i sit here and watch my son sleep it brings tears to my eyes to think there is a baby his age in the hospital fighting for his life when he should be home in his crib where HIS mommy can sit and watch him sleep. Say a prayer for baby Seth and his family! The picture is of baby Seth, the one fighting for his life! please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.